A look inside our limited edition Squarespace template designs
Gerstner template for bars, cafés, and coffee shops
Inspired by the influential layout designs of Swiss designer Karl Gerstner, “Gerstner” from Stuff & Nonsense is a premium website template designed for Squarespace 7.1.
Fleckhaus template for for hospitality, B&Bs, and hotels
Inspired by the history-making work of German art director and designer Willy Fleckhaus, “Fleckhaus” from Stuff & Nonsense is a premium website template designed for Squarespace 7.1.
Pintori template for professional services providers
Inspired by the groundbreaking work of renowned Italian graphic designer Giovanni Pintori, “Pintori” from Stuff & Nonsense is a premium website template designed for Squarespace 7.1
Designing McBain, for composers and sound designers
Inspired by the imaginative album cover art of designers Emmet McBain, “McBain” from Stuff & Nonsense is a premium website template designed for Squarespace 7.1.
Designing Feitler, for bands and musicians
Inspired by the influential work of Brazilian art director Bea Feitler, “Feitler” from Stuff & Nonsense is a premium website template designed for Squarespace 7.1.
Designing Beall, for composers and sound designers
Inspired by the striking mid-century art direction of designer Lester Beall, “Beall” from Stuff & Nonsense is a premium website template designed for Squarespace 7.1.
Improve Squarespace website designs by learning from Karl Gerstner (part two)
Karl Gerstner and his designs can teach us a great deal about improving our Squarespace website designs today.
Improve your Squarespace designs by learning from Karl Gerstner (part one)
Swiss artist and typographer Karl Gerstner was one of the first designers to exploit the creative flexibility of using grids. It’s the compound grid Gerstner designed in 1962 for Capital magazine has become one of his best-known creations.